World Experts Dispute the Science Behind Gov Pritzker's Orders
By Bill Sikora
May 22,2020

Gov Pritzker says he has the authority for his executive orders, because his orders are saving lives. Other's challenge the constitutionality of them. What is missing from the argument is the question of whether the governor's orders are based on solid science. We need to keep in mind there is not an expert consenus on what to do. Sure we know what the CDC, NIH, WHO, and Fauci say; but there are experts all over the world that disagree with them.

Check out this article in which over 600 doctors send a letter to President Trump to Stop the Lockdown. 600 Doctors Sign Letter. The letter talks about how the lockdown is preventing people from getting medical treatment for conditions other than COVID-19; and how financial insecurity leads to poor health.

Here is an article in the off-guardian that lists 12 experts that question the Corona Virus Panic. See off-guardian March 24, 2020 See the list of experts below:

  1. Dr Sucharit Bhakdi
    Is a professor at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. You can learn about his background at wikipedia The German text can be translated into English through your browser.
  2. Dr Wolfgang Wodarg
    Specializes in Pulmonology. You can learn about his background at wikipedia
  3. Dr Joel Kettner
    Professor at Manitoba University. You can learn about his background at manitoba
  4. Dr John Ioannidis
    Professor of Medicine and of Statistics at Stanford University. You can learn about his background at wikipedia
  5. Dr Yorman Lass
    Is an Israeli physician, politician and former Director General of the Health Ministry. You can learn about his background at wikipedia
  6. Dr Pietro Vernazza
    Swiss physician specialising Infectious Diseases at the Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen. You can learn about his background at twitter The text can be translated into English through your browser.
  7. Frank Ulrich Montgomery
    German radiologist. You can learn about his background at wikipedia The text can be translated into English through your browser.
  8. Hendrik Streeck
    Professor of virology at Bonn University. You can learn about his background at wikipedia
  9. Dr Yanis Roussel et. al.
    A French research group. You can learn about Dr Yanis Roussel at twitter
  10. Dr David Katz
    Founding director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center. You can learn about his background at wikipedia
  11. Michael T. Osterholm
    Is regents professor and director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. You can learn about his background at wikipedia
  12. Dr Peter Goetzche
    Is Professor of Clinical Research Design and Analysis at the University of Copenhagen and founder of the Cochrane Medical Collaboration. You can learn about his background at wikipedia

I also ask you to check out a prior article I wrote that discusses the problems with wearing face masks See Link.

Here is a video clip from Del Bigtree's podcast "The Highwire" See Link. He interviews Dolores J. Cahill Phd from Ireland. She gives scientific evidence showing that wearing masks and doing social distancing are not necessary. She is asking for a list of the scientists that are recommending the lockdowns, so legal action can be taken against them. And she is seeking legal action against politicians who are ignoring the science.

In Illinois, Gov Pritzker should be aware that by ignoring the fact there is no scientific consensus, he is not serving his constituents. The Governor cannot say that his executive orders are to save lives, when there is so much science that disputes that claim.