Why We Shouldn't Wear Face Masks
By Bill Sikora
Updated July 3,2020
This video comes from the weekly podcast "The Highwire" with Del Bigtree. The following points are demonstrated:
- An oxygen level meter is used to measure the oxygen levels when wearing a mask. The oxygen levels drop below 19.5% which is considered dangerous by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
- A CO2 level meter is used to measure CO2 levels when wearing a mask. Various masks are worn. In all cases the CO2 level goes over the acceptable 1,000 ppm. For some masks the levels went way over 5,000 ppm which is extremely dangerous.
- The video also shows Senator Rand Paul discussing the current research showing that school children rarely get COVID-19 and rarely pass the disease on to other people; concluding that our schools do not need to be closed. This research comes from all over the world.
Here is another video. It comes from Owen Shroyer's Show, "The War Room", at banned.video. It also shows that the carbon dioxide levels inside a face mask rise to dangerous levels very quickly.
Russell Blaylock MD wrote an article called
"Blaylock:Face Masks Pose Serious Risks to the Healthy".
It was posted on May 11, 2020 in Technocracy News & Trends.
See Link.
Blaylock states "As for the scientific support for the use of face mask, a
recent careful examination of the literature, in which 17
of the best studies were analyzed, concluded that, 'None
of the studies established a conclusive relationship
between mask/respirator use and protection against
infuenza infection.'" Dr Blaylock notes that no studies
have been done with masks and COVID-19, so the best analysis we
have is looking at influenza infection.
He goes on to say: "Several studies have indeed found significant
problems with wearing such a mask. This can vary from headaches,
to increased airway resistance, carbon dioxide accumulation,
to hypoxia, all the way to serious life-threatening complications."
He talks about how surgeons wearing masks had a signicant reduction in
blood oxygen levels. And studies have shown that this lack of oxygen can
inhibit immune cells used to fight viral infections, including COVID-19.
When a infected person is wearing a mask they will be constantly rebreathing
the virus making the infection worse.